April 13, 2023 — present


The Resurrection of Christ, ca. 1640 Benjamin Gerritsz. Cuyp

Dutch, 1612-1652
Oil on panel

    This scene portrays an episode from the New Testament. As an angel removes the stone from Christ's tomb, Christ is presented symbolically in the burst of divine light that blinds the Roman guards who scatter, fall, and lift their swords in defense. Cuyp dramatized the event by using a nearly monochromatic contrast of light and shadow and sketchy brushstrokes that enhance the frenetic atmosphere. Like the contemporary Dutch painter Rembrandt, he focused on the humble aspects of religious narrative, espousing a central belief of the Protestant Reformation, that individual worshippers may seek a personal relationship with God.

  • No. 62.019
Georgianna Sayles Aldrich and Mary B. Jackson Funds

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